Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2024 Jun 17;29(6):216. doi: 10.31083/j.fbl2906216.


The treatment options for multiple myeloma (MM) have undergone significant transformation with the advent of immunotherapy. Novel therapies that focus on tumor antigens now drive advances in MM research. Bispecific antibodies (bsAbs) leverage revolutionary advances in bioengineering techniques and embody the second generation of antibody-based tumor therapy. Recent studies on bsAbs in relapsed/refractory MM cases have revealed remarkable efficacy and acceptable safety profiles. The approval of elranatamab and teclistamab represents the next step in the development of bsAbs for the treatment of MM. This review article addresses the antigen targeting, efficacy, safety, and strategies in the application of bsAbs against treatment-resistant MM, with a focus on clinical trials and real-world data.

PMID:38940040 | DOI:10.31083/j.fbl2906216